Authentically Catholic disciples sharing Jesus' love, with Mary as our model.
Welcome to Holy Rosary Parish! As the parochial administrator of Holy Rosary, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website.
Our mission here at Holy Rosary is to be, “Authentically Catholic disciples sharing Jesus’ love, with Mary as our model.” It is therefore our goal that everyone who visits and attends Mass here at Holy Rosary will feel welcomed and be drawn into a deeper love of Jesus Christ. Thus, it is imperative that Jesus always remains at the heart of our parish community in every aspect.
This website is intended to be a resource and doorway to the Holy Rosary Parish. I invite you to explore the different ways that you can get involved here at Holy Rosary and encourage you to join in our mission!
For we as parish will continue to take up Jesus’ great commission to go out and be missionary disciples serving the Lord as members of His Church and bringing others into an encounter with Jesus in our daily worship.
Pray the Rosary Daily!
In Christ through Mary our mother,
Fr. Eddie Godefroid
[email protected]
The Archbishop's letter regarding diocese changes can be found on our News Page.
Last updated 5/31/2023 4:46pm