Authentically Catholic disciples sharing Jesus' love, with Mary as our model.
Administration + Finance
Adult Choir
Altar Server
Altar Society
Annual Catholic Appeal
Bereavement Ministry
Church Cleaner
Communion to the Homebound
Dinner Auction
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Fish Fries
Golf Tournament
Knights of Columbus
Liturgy Committee
Luncheons after Funerals
Parish Council
Prayer Chain
Pro-Life Committee
Stewardship Committee
Recycling Program
Resurrection (Funeral) Choir
Senior Singles
Stewardship Committee
St. Vincent DePaul Society
St. Ann’s Sodality
Spring/Fall Dinner
Transportation for the Homebound
Traveling Chalice
This fundraiser is held in January to benefit the school. A delicious meal, silent, and oral auction, followed by a dance all make up this memorable evening of fun. Please contact the school office for more information or to donate items for the auction. For more information, contact us by emailing [email protected]
On the Fridays of the Lenten Season (except Good Friday), members of our school community prepare and serve a fish dinner to benefit our tuition assistance fund. Donations of deserts, assistance cooking and serving the dinner, and people to volunteer. For more information, please contact the parish office.
Knights of Columbus and Holy Rosary Golf Tournament is held annually at Warrenton Golf Course in the fall to support our school community. This event includes lunch and a steak dinner, 18 holes of golf, and a silent auction. Please contact the parish or school office for more information.
This committee, overseen by St Ann's Sodality, prepares and serves meals to the family and friends of those attending a funeral. A call list is maintained and you will be called as needed to prepare or serve food, based on your availability. Please call the parish office if you are interested.
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Satrudays of each month from 7:00-8:30am in the School Library. Deacon Mark, Deacon Ray, and the men of the parish will study the Scripture Readings for the upcoming Sunday Mass. This has become a group that often discusses various topics about the Catholic Faith that organically arise. All are most welcome to attend; please bring your Bibles! For more information, please call the Parish Office.
This group consists of men and women who offer to share their personal daily prayers for those in need. All that is required is quiet prayer time and a telephone to pass along intentions. Please contact Edie Jesse at 636-456-2508.
This group of volunteers promotes and informs the parish community of Pro-Life activities in the archdiocese and provides information on Pro-Life workshops and conventions. It facilitates grass-roots support for legislative action pertaining to all Pro-Life issues including abortion, capital punishment, advanced directives, euthanasia, and genetic studies. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Our parish sponsors a recycling bin for paper recycling. The bin is located behind the parish office.
This Society is dedicated to helping all those in physical need and serves clients through prayer, charitable works, confidential monetary donations, and visitation. Members become personally involved with those requesting assistance. Funds are provided yearly from the annual Summer rummage sale, donations throughout the year, and also donations around the holidays. The Society manages and stocks a food pantry, which is distributed to the needy upon request. Due to the increased demand for food, the “meal-a-month” program was instituted in 1994. The annual Christmas “giving tree” coordinated by the society provides necessary clothing, gift items, and food baskets for those in need. Any man or woman interested in this rewarding ministry is welcome. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the annex building and last about ninety minutes. Teams (consisting of two members) interview clients on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Members serve on a rotating basis and the time commitment averages two hours three times a month.
Our famous Fall and Spring Dinners are held respectively on the 4th Sunday of October and April. Craft Fair and Country Store, are all part of these great events. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Transportation for the Homebound
Occasionally, we receive requests from a person asking for a ride to church and other parish functions. This service is greatly appreciated by those who could not get to church otherwise. Please contact the parish office if you are interested.